Richard Russell Sneary Workshop
Tallahassee Watercolor Society
May 14-16, 9:00am to 4:00pm each day
Richard Sneary is a signature member of the American Watercolor Society as well as a National Watercolor Society. Richard is an architect and renowned architectural illustrator. He participates en plein air events in watercolor. His background often compels him to paint buildings, town squares, bridges and industrial man made structures. He has won many awards for his paintings. Find more information on his website:
Workshop Description: The emphasis of this workshop will explore the fundamentals of drawing, perspective, design/composition, contrast, basic watercolor washes/ mixtures, color relationships, value studies & color studies from photos and life, and how to simplify what we see in front of us. We will also explore how mood, atmosphere, and story can bring more meaning to your painting. Each day will start and end with a demo on a different subject related to the day’s focus. You can join in and paint along with me, or just listen. I will talk about the materials used and explain my thoughts as I paint. Questions are encouraged. They keep me awake, so speak up! There will be plenty of one-on-one guidance and a question/answer session daily. A class critique will be conducted at the end of each day. Great paintings are the result of great drawings!
Seating is very limited, so register now!
Application Deadline: April 24, 2024
Member Cost: $300.00 Non-Member Cost: $350.00
Mail the application and check to:
Tallahassee Watercolor Society
Richard Sneary Workshop 2024
P.O. Box 38502
Tallahassee, FL 32315-8502
Deposit to hold seat: $100.00
For more information, email Mary O at or call at (912) 266-5720
Richard Russell Sneary Material & Supply List
Saunders Waterford or Arches 140# Cold Press and/or Rough. You should cut/tear them into 1/4 sheets... about 11”x15” more or less . Saunders Waterford is available through Cheap Joe’s and Blick Art Materials. Arches is available through Blick Art Materials, Jerry’s Artarama, Cheap Joe’s , and others.
I use mostly rounds with good points...numbers 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, &14. I have recently been using some Chi- nese calligraphy brushes with mixed natural hair that I like very much... they are similar in size to the rounds I mentioned. I also use some larger mops for bigger paintings. A 2” Hake. A rigger or extended point brush for sharp lines & calligraphy. GOOD POINTS are a must!
Natural hair brushes are best for holding water and picking it up, however there are many blended synthetic/ natural hair brushes that will work as well...Kolinsky Sables ARE NOT NECESSARY, unless you already have them.
Escoda makes a wide range of brushes with excellent points, natural hair, synthetic, and blends.
A good alternative to pure natural hair, and inexpensive, is a brush made with a combination of natural squir- rel hair and a black synthetic hair called Silver Brush Black Velvet Watercolor Brushes. I’m not usually a fan of synthetic brushes, but Princeton Brushes make a Velvet Touch Long Round series thatches in a wide range of sizes and it have an excellent point. The only downside is that they don’t pick up water well at all... you’ll need to keep a natural hair brush close by to help soak up the extra water.
Some of you may be interested in my Chinese calligraphy brushes. I purchased them from Asian Brushpainter at I have two sets of three brushes each. One set is "Basic Element" - Wolf Hair Sumi-e & Calligraphy Brush Set, which cost $9.99. The second set is "Great Master" - Calligraphy & Sumi-e Wolf Hair Brush Set, which cost $39.99. I also bought a Bamboo Brush Wrap with "Pocket" to keep the brushes in...cost $8.88. The total cost including shipping was $88.21.
It took about 3 weeks to get here, but that was a year ago in the middle of COVID-19. You can also find Chinese calligraphy brushes at Amazon and various art supply stores but be sure their descriptions are similar to Asian Brushpainter’s.
I have two sets of three brushes each. One set is "Basic Element" - Wolf Hair Sumi-e & Calligraphy Brush Set, which cost $9.99. The second set is "Great Master" - Calligraphy & Sumi-e Wolf Hair Brush Set, which cost $39.99. I also bought a Bamboo Brush Wrap with "Pock- et" to keep the brushes in...cost $8.88. The total cost including shipping was $88.21. It took about 3 weeks to get here, but that was a year ago in the middle of COVID-19. You can also find Chinese calligraphy brushes at Amazon and various art supply stores, but be sure their descriptions are similar to Asian Brush- painter’s.
Bring as many colors as you like...paint tubes, not cakes in a pan sets! Please use Professional Grade brands, preferably in one or more of the following. Daniel Smith (DS), Holbein (HWC), Windsor Newton (WN), Schmincke (S), QoR by Golden (Q), Sennelier, M. Graham etc. If you have Reds, Yellows, & Blues, you can do anything! NO
Paints on my palette consists of the following (you don’t need this many):
BLUES: Ultramarine Blue(DS), Cobalt Blue(DS), Cerulean Blue(DS), Lavender(DS)
REDS: Permanent Alizarin Crimson(WN), Cadmium Red(DS), Transparent Pyrrole Orange(Q)
YELLOWS: Opaques, Cadmium Yellow & Cadmium Yellow Transparent, Aureolin & New Light(WN); Gamboge(DS)
EARTH tones & others: QuinacridoneGold(WN), Raw Umber(WN), Burnt Sienna, Olive(HWC),
Permanent Olive Green(S) Colbalt Teal(Q), Colbalt Turquoise(WN), Titanium White(DS), Jaune Brilliant No. 1(WN), & Joseph Z’s Neutral Gray(DS)
Easel (I use a En Plein Air Pro You might wonder why you need an easel for an indoor workshop, but indoor workshops normally provide tables without anyway to elevate/slope your painting surface. With watercolor you must be able to slope your painting easel provides this!
PAINTING PALLET: John Pike, Tom Lynch, Mijello Fusion Airtight/Leakproof Palettes, Masters International Folding Watercolor Palette. Your pallet should have good size mixing area(s).
WATER CONTAINER: glass or ceramic works best at home because they’re heavier and don’t spill as easily. In workshops or en plein air plastic is lighter and won’t break. When you're working on a table try to fine one with a wide base similar to what is served in a bar/restaurant, and is made of thicker plastic, usually 5” tall, with a 4” diameter top & 3” diameter on the bottom.
Sketch book (I like Stillman & Birn, Beta) & a 9”x12” pad of inexpensive watercolor paper for value & color studies...Kiliminjaro from Cheap Joe’s
HB-4B graphite pencils
Binder / Bulldog clips 4- to hold your sketchbook pages down while painting
Kneaded Eraser.
Paper towels
Spray/Atomizer/Spritzer Bottle
Drafting Tape
12” x 16”x 3/16” Gator Board, or similar rigid surface to tape WC paper to. DO NOT use Foam Core!
Painters Drop Cloth to protect the floor under your easel.